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Airjot PC Client

Free to use Licence

Not everyone's a typist. For most people the fastest typing they do is when they text/chat on their mobile phones. So why don't type your next document, assignment or make next report from your mobile keyboard! Type fast, even in the languages really hard to type on pc, from your smartphone. use built in features like text suggestions, auto corrections, spellchecking and more. If you don't feel like typing, you can always use built in voice typing support in your mobile's keyboard. or you can use swipe glide typing to write even faster. Or you have a stylus in your phone, you can even handwrite. what matters is that you have the complete control and freedom in your typing experience. To enable support for most languages and many features, we recommend using Google's Gboard application as soft keyboard in your device.


If your AntiVirus Blocks AirJot Setup, Download ClickOnce™ AirJot Setup Provided by Microsoft.
Download CLickOnce AirJot Setup Direct Download Download Watch Trailer Watch Tutorial Mobile App How To Use

 1.8 GHz CPU or higher
  2 GB of RAM [ Minimum ]
 70 MB of free disk space
  Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.1 or Higher [ IMPORTANT ]
  Supports Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11

This software is currently in Beta release.

  1. Download AirJot PC client software. [ Click Here ]
  2. Run the installer.
  3. Finish installation according to the prompt.
  4. Run AirJot client by double clicking the icon in the program menu.
  5. [ Important ] Allow app through the Windows Firewall when it prompts. This only happens once. If you ignore, you will have to allow the app through the firewall manually. [ Guide ]
  6. Download AirJot mobile app. [ Click Here ]
  7. Open app, Scan QR code, Start typing
  8. Share the project and support !

  1. AirJot PC client මෘදුකාංගය බාගත කරන්න [ Click Here ]
  2. Installer එක දාවනය කරන්න
  3. අදාළ පියවර මගින් ස්තාපනය වීම අවසන් කර ගන්න
  4. මෙනුවෙන් AirJot client මෘදුකාංගය ධාවනය කරන්න
  5. [ වැදගත් ] වින්ඩොස් ෆයර්වොල් මගින් මෙම මෘදුකාංගයට අවසර විමසන විටදී එය සනාථ කරන්න. මෙය නොකලොත් ඔබටම පසුව ෆයර්වොලයට අවසර ලබාදීමට සිදුවේ. [ Guide ]
  6. AirJot දුරකතන මෘදුකාංගය බාගත කරන්න [ Click Here ]
  7. ඇප් එක ධාවනය කර පරිගනකයේ දිස්වන QR කේතය පරිලෝකනය කරන්න. කැමති බාශාවකින් යතුරුලියනය කරන්න
  8. මෙම මෘදුකාංගය සංවර්ධනයට සහයෝගය දක්වන්න!

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